
XLXOSK v2.5.2 - Dashboard v2.4.2   /  Service uptime: 105 days 00:29:03  //  With Software such as ThumbDV, DVMEGA DVstick 30 and BlueDV for Windows, you can use the reflectors from all over the world.

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Traffic Statistics

諠蝣ア驥冗オア險茨シTraffic Statisticシ

XLX V2.2.2縺九i霑ス蜉縺輔l縺溘荊raffic.php縲搾シ医ヨ繝ゥ繝輔ぅ繝繧ッ繝「繝九ち繝シシ峨rVnstati縺ァ繧ー繝ゥ繝輔r菴懊j縺励∪縺励◆縲ゅ後げ繝ゥ繝募繧頑崛縺茨シ輯wotch Graph縲阪懊ち繝ウ縺九げ繝ゥ繝輔ョ荳翫r 繧ッ繝ェ繝繧ッ縺吶k豈弱↓縲?ourlyシ域ッ取凾シ 竊 Dailyシ域ッ取律シ 竊 Monthlyシ域ッ取怦シ 竊 Summaryシ磯寔險茨シ峨ョ繝医Λ繝輔ぅ繝繧ッ繝繝シ繧ソ繧ー繝ゥ繝輔r陦ィ遉コ縺励∪縺吶ゆク翫ョ縲卦raffic statistics縲阪懊ち繝ウ繧 繧ッ繝ェ繝繧ッ縺励※逕滓舌@縺4遞ョ鬘槭ョ繧ー繝ゥ繝輔r陦ィ遉コ蜃コ譚・縺セ縺吶′逕滓先凾髢薙ッ繝ェ繧「繝ォ繧ソ繧、繝縺九i譛螟ァ4蛻ス5蛻縺サ縺ゥ驕繧後k繧医≧縺ァ縺吶ゅげ繝ゥ繝輔ッ縲憩xec縲阪さ繝槭Φ繝峨〒Vnstati縺ョ繧ー繝ゥ繝慕函謌舌さ繝槭Φ繝峨r 螳溯。後@縺ヲ謇句虚縺ァ逕滓舌@縺セ縺吶ょ医↓DMR逕ィ繝繝シ繧ソ繧貞ョ壽悄逧縺ォ隱ュ縺ソ霎シ繧險ュ螳壹r縲慶rontab縲阪〒陦後▲縺ヲ縺翫j縲∝ョ溯。梧凾髢薙ョ逡ー縺ェ繧九さ繝槭Φ繝峨ョ逶ク莠貞ケイ貂蛾亟豁「繝励Ο繧ー繝ゥ繝繧る擇蛟偵↑縺ョ縺ァ閾ェ蜍慕函謌占ィュ螳壹ッ縺励※縺縺セ縺帙s縲


We have customized the traffic monitor added from XLX V 2.2.2 with Vnstati.Every time you click on the "Switch Graph" button or the graph, you will see a traffic data graph of Hourly 竊 Daily 竊 Monthly 竊 Summary.You can display the four kinds of graphs generated by clicking above "Traffic statistics".Generation time seems to be delayed about 4 minutes from real time.